
Friday, October 18, 2019

One Day at a Time

So far things are going pretty well on dialysis. I'm just getting into a  better frame of mind for doing more things in life so I've been working on my blogs again and I wrote a 365 days of the word poem book that has been published on I also have been working on my books. I'm writing a very ambitious series of books but first I am world building and it is a LOT of work. I WILL keep working and trying and someday I will actually tell the stories!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Today I had my first bath since I started pd in 2014! Lavender bubble bath, hot water, relaxing and heavenly! I missed baths very much...I do feel better too ...I was achy this morning ...sometimes a good soak just makes the world alright <3 :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


I haven't checked in for awhile but I've been going along getting along and dealing with my life day by day...I am going three times a week to dialysis and so far things are on track. Graft works well...needles go in easy...very few alarms go off...I've sorted that I must eat so I have a nepro during treatment and my bp hasn't dropped the last few times so I think that's the trick. So I've gotten to a place where I can breath and endure and I've been reading a lot but I sometimes feel like I want MORE to do but I barely have enough time in a week to do any of the things I DO I'm still sorting my life! But...I am still HERE!