
Monday, April 9, 2018

The adventure continues...

So...i went fri to get my line change...sat from 1130 to after 2pm...finally got the line sorted and went to dialysis to check in supposedly for 2 hrs but then they said 4! So i had to call hubby to come get me so pop could go home and then my line worked well enough for 2 hrs but doesn't really work better than it ever has so they wanted me to do bloodwork today and then they will let me know but i think i have to go get a graft put in and i have no idea where they are going to put it if i also have to have a fistula which im supposed to be doing soon also. .so the reality is since xmas everything has been out of whack and its hard to settle down because it seems that out of whack is actually just my new reality but i havent sorted out how to roll with it yet! Stress, stress, stress all day long!

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