Obviously when I don't post my menu for the week you can be sure it's been a rough week for whatever reason. Usually the reason is money...lack of, too many bills and getting by with what we've got or just extra other things we've had to pay out and the menu falls by the wayside.
I'm trying to get better about this but generally managing my menu is an ongoing process and not yet a weekly HABIT.
SO...I'll get a proper menu planned as soon as I can and get back on track.
This week I have been bad though because I've made french fries (which I LOVE and cannot give up so often crave) and my son and I made Jello chocolate pudding and chocolate chip cookies (which really is a rarity around here because even though I LOVE cookies I rarely make them OR even buy them. Except maybe for arrowroot cookies or tea biscuits sometimes.
My real problem is SALT! :( but I AM working on these issues.
EVERY new day is another day to do better!
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